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SCC accredits Lipid Analytical Inc. under the...
We are pleased to welcome Lipid Analytical Inc. as a newly SCC-accredited laboratory under our accreditation program for testing and calibration laboratories. Lipid Analytical Inc. provides highly specialized analytical and...
SCC-accredited DNA relationship testing laboratories
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) only accepts DNA test results from laboratories accredited by SCC as proof of relationship for immigration and citizenship purposes. These analyses establish genetic parent...
CSA Group and SCC collaborate on a new Bi-National...
Helping ensure the safety and reliability of these energy efficient devices Combined Heat and Power (CHP) devices are rising in popularity as individuals and organizations around the world look for ways to reduce emissions...
Climate Action and Innovation: How SCC’s accreditation...
At SCC, we’re all about leveraging innovation to tackle some of the world's most pressing issues. From mitigating climate change to ensuring the integrity of environmental claims, our Verification and Validation Accreditation...
SCC congratulates CGSB on its 90th anniversary
The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is a standards development and conformity assessment organization in the federal government. SCC is delighted to congratulate CGSB on celebrating its 90 th anniversary. CGSB plays a...
SCC Engagement with Academia Strategy
The framework for the Academia Standardization Engagement strategy is a fundamental step with the aim of developing cooperation with academia in a systematic way. The strategy will guide SCC’s engagement with academia in...
SCC launches Indo-Pacific standardization activities...
As part of the federal government’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is pleased to announce that it is playing a key role in implementing Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and receiving 2.5 million to...
North American Accreditation Forum (NAAF) launches...
The North American Accreditation Forum (NAAF), a non-profit spearheaded by accreditation bodies across North America, was just launched on June 9, 2023. It provides a platform for accreditation bodies, industry associations...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...
This SCC Requirements and Guidance Document is part of series of publications issued by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) that define the policy and operational requirements for core programs established in support of its...