How national standards are developed
Standards development organizations develop National Standards of Canada (NSCs). They are guided by technical committees composed of subject matter experts and interested parties.
The development of NSCs:
- uses best practices for international standards development
- allows for World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO-TBT) provisions for standards development
- creates safeguards that look after the interests of Canadians
NSCs may be developed in Canada or adopted using international standards.
SCC accredits the procedures that standards development organizations (SDOs) use. We also approve their NSCs, which must meet our requirements for openness, balance, consensus and prescribed process. This ensures standards development protects the public’s interest and that all interested parties have an opportunity to participate in standards development.
Steps in the National Standards of Canada development process
1. Evaluate existing standard and approve the need for a new one
2. Notify the public at the project start
3. Develop content at committee level
4. Consult with the public on the proposed standard
5. Reach consensus at committee level
6. Quality review and revisions
7. SCC approves the standard
8. Publish promptly
9. Maintain the standard
Requirements for standards development
To be recognized as a National Standard of Canada developed by an SCC-accredited SDO, the standard must be developed in accordance with the Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations. Key requirements include (but are not limited to):
- development by consensus from a balanced committee of interested parties
- public scrutiny
- publication in Canada’s two official languages
- consistency with (or incorporation of) existing international and foreign government standards
- not acting as a barrier to trade
- maintenance through periodic review (5-year cycle) or as needed
The results of the periodic review of the standard confirm that the technical content is still valid or requires revision or withdrawal. This ensures that standards continue to be relevant and current.
Who are SCC-accredited standards development organizations?
SCC has a Directory of Accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).
Interested in becoming an SCC-accredited SDO? Find out how.
Shape tomorrow’s standards
The public is invited to comment on Canadian standards currently under development by the following SDOs:
• Accessibility Standards Canada (ASC)
• Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI)
• American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
• ASTM International
• Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ)
• Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
• Canadian Standards Association (operating as CSA Group)
• Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
• Digital Governance Standards Institute (DGSI)
• Health Standards Organization (HSO)
• International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAMPO)
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE SA)
• International Code Council (ICC)
• NSF International
• UL Standards & Engagement
• ULC Standards (ULC)
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Our notification service lets people know about new standards development projects. Sign up for the service or view notices of intent from SCC-accredited standards development organizations.

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Looking to purchase a standard? Browse and buy standards from our Canadian and international resellers.

How international standards are developed
Standards can be developed nationally or internationally. We also ensure that Canadian technical experts contribute to developing ISO and IEC International Standards.