Regulatory Authority Advisory Bodies
SCC’s collaboration with Regulatory Authorities and Advisory Bodies
Regulatory Authority Advisory Bodies (RAABs) include federal, provincial, and territorial public safety and energy efficiency regulators. They work together to coordinate regulations and promote consistency among jurisdictions concerning regulations, standards, other recognized documents, and enforcement practices.
SCC plays a critical role in supporting this harmonization with many RAABs, including:
- Canadian Advisory Council on Electrical Safety (CACES)
- Canadian Advisory Council on Energy Efficiency
- Canadian Regulatory Council on Plumbing
- Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council
SCC provides expert guidance to promote harmonization, ensuring a consistent and unified public safety framework.
- Supporting the development of a National Standard of Canada to harmonize requirements of power engineers when they move from one jurisdiction to another, enhancing labour mobility and trade.
- Collaborating with CACES to develop a nationwide approach to prevent online sales of unapproved consumer electrical products.
Contact RAABs
Certification bodies accredited by SCC must establish ongoing documented working relationships with applicable Canadian regulatory authorities in their field. Contact information for these advisory bodies is provided below.
Canadian Advisory Council on Electrical Safety (CACES)
Nansy Hanna, Chair
Director Engineering and Program Development
Electrical Safety Authority
155A Matheson Blvd West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 3L5
Tel: 1-905-712-5661
Canadian Advisory Council of Energy Efficiency (CACEE)
Jamie Hulan
Director, Equipment Division, ES/OEE/ED
Natural Resources Canada
1st Floor, 930 Carling Avenue (CEF, Building 3, Observatory Crescent), Ottawa, ON, K1A 0Y3
Tel: 1-613 996 4359
Canadian Regulatory Council on Plumbing (CRCP)
Sidney Manning (interim replacement)
16 Floor, Commerce Place
10155 - 102 Street
Edmonton, AB, T5J 4L4
Tel: 1-866-421-6929
Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners (CCFM&FC)
Derek Simmons
Director, Fire Services/ Fire Commissioner
25 Hallett Crescent
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL A1B 4J6
Tel: 1-709-729-1899
Fax: 1-709-729-2524
Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council (IGAC)
Sidney Manning (Chair)
Chief Plumbing & Gas Administrator
Alberta Municipal Affairs/Safety Services
16 Floor, Commerce Place, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5J 4L4
Tel: 1-866-421-6929
Association of Provincial Chief Elevator Inspectors (APCEI)
Dean McLellan (Chair)
Incident Management Specialist at TSSA
Technical Standards & Safety Authority
345 Carlingview Dr, Toronto ON M9W 6N9
Tel: 1-613-329-8758
Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW)
France Lemieux, M.Eng.
Head, Materials and Treatment Section, Water Quality Program Division
Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau, Health Canada
Tel: 1-613-941-3166
Website: Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW)
Boiler and Pressure Vessels (ACI)
Tony Scholl
British Columbia Safety Authority
505 Sixth Street, New Westminster, British Columbia V3L 0E1
Tel: 1-778-396-2061
Fax: 1-778-396-2006
Transport Canada Electronic Logging Devices (TC ELD)
Transport Canada - Road Safety