We oversee Canada’s standardization system

At the Standards Council of Canada, we put the full power of standardization to work for all people in Canada. We help ensure Canada has the capacity to drive the creation of innovative standards, conformity assessment and accreditation programs that reflect Canada’s values and priorities. We open a world of possibilities. 


Learn about Canada's standardization system

Our mandate

As a federal Crown corporation, we take our mandate from the Standards Council of Canada Act which is to promote efficient and effective voluntary standardization in Canada, where standardization is not expressly provided for by law and, in particular, to:


  • promote the participation of Canadians in voluntary standards activities
  • promote public–private sector cooperation in relation to voluntary standardization in Canada
  • coordinate and oversee the efforts of the persons and organizations involved in the National Standards System
  • foster quality, performance and technological innovation in Canadian goods and services through standards-related activities
  • develop standards-related strategies and long-term objectives


…in order to advance the national economy, support sustainable development, benefit the health, safety and welfare of workers and the public, assist and protect consumers, facilitate domestic and international trade and further international cooperation in relation to standardization.


Our international reach is broad

To advance Canada’s economy and facilitate global trade, SCC works with international and regional standards organizations. We have cooperation agreements with our counterparts around the world to drive Canadian interests and learn from our international partners. 


Canada holds 231 leadership roles on ISO and IEC technical committees, including:






Secretary / 

committee manager





Map of the world with all standardization bodies highlighted

Explore more

National Standards Strategy

The goal of the National Standards Strategy is to position SCC and the Canadian standardization system to support Canadians’ values, interests and emerging needs. The strategy identifies the priorities and sectors that Canada’s standards system should focus on over the next decade. 

Corporate documents

We are committed to good corporate governance. The Annual Report and Corporate Plan Summary are SCC’s key accountability documents. Both are tabled yearly in Parliament.

Standardization courses

SCC offers two educational modules to help users understand the value of standardization: Standardization: An Important Economic Lever, and Create Value for your Business with Standardization. These courses have been developed in collaboration with Université Laval and Réseau Normalisation et Francophonie.