We depend on transportation to move us and the goods and services we rely on every day. The way we get there is changing rapidly to become more efficient and more sustainable. As new modes of transport and smart transportation systems are developed, standards will help pave the road for them.

Transportation case studies

Electronic logging devices

A Government of Canada regulation requires motor carriers and drivers to use certified electronic logging devices to help monitor driver activities to improve road safety. We partnered to develop and implement a certification scheme for the accreditation of certification bodies for these devices.


Public transit is a vital part of Canada’s transportation system and critical to ensuring sustainable growth of Canada’s urban centres. Metrolinx and SCC teamed up to establish a Canadian Independent Safety Assessor program for Railway Systems, in line with international best practices. 

Related accreditation programs 

Accreditation and conformity assessment play a vital role by ensuring that standards are applied correctly and consistently. At SCC, we offer a wide range of accreditation programs and training across many conformity assessment areas such as transportation.


A man and a woman wearing overalls in front of a plane propeller

Aerospace Quality Management Systems

Independent Safety Assessor for Railway Systems

News articles

New certification scheme for ELDs

We have partnered with Transport Canada by providing ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation to conformity assessment bodies who will, in turn, provide certification services for ELD manufacturers and suppliers.

New program for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology

We offer a new scheme for V2X, a vehicular communication system that supports the transfer of information from a vehicle to roadside infrastructure, other vehicles and personal communications devices. 

Tube transportation

As tube transportation technology continues to mature and operators move toward more advanced testing and demonstration projects, industry stakeholders have indicated a pressing need for greater clarity on regulation and standardization to mitigate project risk.

Improving interoperability with enhanced train control

The evolution of railway technology has introduced new methods of interoperability, including. Enhanced Train Control, a safety system that provides the train operator with increased situational awareness and protection. 

Explore and get involved

Get involved in standards development

By participating in standardization and shaping the standards of tomorrow, you can become a global leader at the very forefront of your industry, while helping to advance the health, safety and economic well-being of all Canadians.

Professional woman looking at an iPad.

Find and buy standards

Browse our database to search for published National Standards of Canada and international standards. You can also search for Other Recognized Documents. Find out where to buy the standards you need.

Learn about accreditation

We offer a wide range of internationally recognized accreditation programs and training across many conformity assessment areas.

Level up your standardization knowledge

Our standardization courses will help deepen your knowledge and ability to successfully use standards, and better understand how standardization works.