Aerial view of the Ottawa river, a street and downtown buildings.

SCC congratulates CGSB on its 90th anniversary

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is a standards development and conformity assessment organization in the federal government. SCC is delighted to congratulate CGSB on celebrating its 90th anniversary.
CGSB plays a pivotal role in enhancing the safety of products and services while safeguarding consumer interests. Their work shapes standardization tools in many fields: from food safety to protective equipment for first responders, to environmental sustainability. 

Standards development organizations and conformity assessment bodies like CGSB advance the health, safety and economic prosperity of all people living in Canada. Over nine decades, CGSB has made a lasting impact in standardization across a wide range of areas. From petroleum to the national flag, to the transportation of dangerous goods, to organic farming. CGSB also holds the international secretariat for the ISO flagship committee on quality management and quality assurance, ISO/TC 176. SCC congratulates CGSB on 90 years of excellence and looks forward to continued collaboration towards a brighter future for all.


Chantal Guay, CEO of Standards Council of Canada.  

To learn more about CGSB visit their website.

Become an SCC-accredited standards development organization

SCC-accredited standards development organizations create National Standards of Canada catering to industry, government and consumer needs. SCC accreditation signals that an organization is qualified to develop, publish and maintain National Standards of Canada, National Adoptions of Canada and Consensus Standards Development Organization Standards. Visit our webpage to learn how you can become an accredited standards development organization.