Refine Results
Displaying 109 - 120 of 179
Accreditation Bulletin
Requirements for the CanadaGAP Program Management...
Action required All accredited Product, Process and Service Certification Bodies who are currently certifying organizations to CanadaGAP are required to transition to CanadaGAP version 9.2 of the Program Management Manual by...
Accreditation Bulletin
Update on the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Transitions
Action required Accredited certification bodies are urged to continue forward with their ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 transition plans, and to keep in mind the upcoming transition end dates. Affected customers Accredited...
Accreditation Bulletin
CETA Protocol – Canada/EU – New product categories
Action required The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is now approved for two additional product categories that are included in Annex I of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Protocol...
Accreditation Bulletin
Criteria for SQF Certification Bodies (Edition...
Action required Criteria for SQF Certification Bodies (Edition 9.1) was reissued in April 2023 and comes into effect April 1, 2024. Certification bodies (CBs) shall audit their customers to the relevant criteria as of April 1...
Accreditation Bulletin
CanadaGAP Program Management Manual will be reissued...
Action required The CanadaGAP Program Management Manual will be reissued with revisions effective April 1, 2024 Certification Bodies (CBs) shall audit their customers to the relevant CanadaGAP Program Management Manual as of...
Accreditation Bulletin
Announcing new IAF MD 25 Criteria for evaluation...
Action required IAF MD 25:2023 Criteria for Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes is a new mandatory document issued by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for all accreditation bodies (ABs) that are a signatory...
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Certification Bodies Occupational...
Action required MD21:2018 Requirements for the Migration to ISO 45001:2018 from OHSAS 18001:2007 was published in March 2018. It outlines the validity of OHSAS 18001:2007 certificates and the requirements of migration to ISO...
Accreditation Bulletin
Expansion of GLP Monitoring Program
Action required None Affected customers GLP-recognized facilities and applicants in SCC’s Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Recognition Program Background Due to high demand, SCC expanded its GLP monitoring program to include...
Accreditation Bulletin
Now accepting CSA Z7396.1-22 scope extensions...
Action required Organizations that are already accredited to perform inspections against CSA Z7396.1 should be aware that the 2022 version of the standard has been published. Organizations that want to offer inspections...
Accreditation Bulletin
FDA confirms sufficient mycotoxin testing capacity
Action required This notice refers an update of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) program , which covers testing of food imported into the U.S. Owners and...
Accreditation Bulletin
PEFC Endorsement of CAN/CSA-Z809 for Sustainable...
Action required Effective 2018-03-29, CAN/CSA-Z809-16 has been endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Affected customers This change affects Management System Certification Bodies...
Accreditation Bulletin
Update to the CSA B149.3 Inspection Label statement...
Action required All Inspection Bodies (IBs) accredited to conduct inspections under CSA B149.3 shall update their inspection labels. The Scope of Accreditation (SOA) shall be updated to reflect the latest applicable label...