Expansion of GLP Monitoring Program

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required


Affected customers

GLP-recognized facilities and applicants in SCC’s Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Recognition Program



Due to high demand, SCC expanded its GLP monitoring program to include pre-clinical safety studies performed on veterinary medical products and medical devices. 


This expansion allows more organizations in Canada and abroad to participate in the monitoring program and benefit from Mutual Acceptance of Data worldwide. It will also benefit receiving authorities that can now have greater confidence in the data quality and integrity for preclinical safety study submissions since recognized organizations will be inspected by an independent third-party verifying their compliance to the OECD Principles on GLP.


The full list of pre-clinical safety studies covered by the monitoring program now include:

  • Pharmaceutical Products
  • Pesticide and Biocide Products 
  • Industrial Chemicals
  • Medical Devices
  • Veterinary Medical Products
  • Tobacco Products
  • Disinfectant Efficacy


Program Scope listed in Annex I: Good Laboratory Practice Recognition in SCC’s Accreditation Program Overview will be updated to reflect these new Fields of Compliance.


If you are already being monitored for GLP compliance and want to expand your Fields of Compliance, you can submit a request to your account manager. An inspection (facility and study) will be required to add the Field(s) of Compliance.


If you are not part of SCC’s GLP compliance monitoring program, you can submit a request for an application package to accreditation@scc.ca 


New requirements





Please contact Vivekananthan Kulasingham, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at vivekananthan.kulasingham@scc-ccn.ca or +1 613 238 3222for more information.