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Displaying 1 - 12 of 72
National Technical Specification for Digital ...
With a growing need for reliable methods to confirm digital identities and documents as the economy pivots online, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has engaged the CIO Strategy Council to develop a technical...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Business operational...
1.1 Statement of scope This part of ISO/IEC 15944: - provides method(s) for identifying, in Open-edi modelling technologies and development of scenarios, the additional requirements in Business Operational View (BOV)...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Business Operational...
1.1 Statement of scope This part of ISO/IEC 15944: provides method(s) for identifying, in Open-edi modelling technologies and development of scenarios, the additional requirements in Business Operational View (BOV)...
Notice of Intent
Privacy protection - Privacy guidelines for smart...
The document takes a multiple agency as well as a citizen-centric viewpoint. It provides guidance on: — smart city ecosystem privacy protection; — how standards can be used at a global level and at an organizational level for...
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document provides high-level security and privacy requirements and recommendations for authentication using biometrics on mobile devices, including security and privacy requirements and recommendations for functional...
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document provides high-level security and privacy requirements and recommendations for authentication using biometrics on mobile devices, including security and privacy requirements and recommendations for functional...
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document provides a user-centric framework for handling personally identifiable information (PII), based on privacy preferences.
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document provides a framework for identifying and mitigating re-identification risks and risks associated with the lifecycle of de-identified data. This document is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
This document provides a privacy framework which: - specifies a common privacy terminology; - defines the actors and their roles in processing personally identifiable information (PII); - describes privacy safeguarding...
Notice of Intent
Cybersecurity - IoT security and privacy - Guidelines
This document provides guidelines on risks, principles and controls for security and privacy of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.
Notice of Intent
Cybersecurity - IoT security and privacy - Device...
This document provides baseline ICT requirements for IoT devices to support security and privacy controls.
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
This document gives guidelines for: — a process on privacy impact assessments, and — a structure and content of a PIA report. It is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public companies, private...