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Displaying 121 - 132 of 179
Accreditation Bulletin
Update to the CSA B149.3 Inspection Label statement...
Action required All Inspection Bodies (IBs) accredited to conduct inspections under CSA B149.3 shall update their inspection labels. The Scope of Accreditation (SOA) shall be updated to reflect the latest applicable label...
Accreditation Bulletin
Publication of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health...
Action required All accredited management systems certification bodies who are currently certifying organizations to OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management must transition those certifications to ISO 45001 by...
Accreditation Bulletin
Application of IAF MD 25 for the evaluation of...
Action required IAF MD 25:2023 Criteria for Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes (PDF) is a new mandatory document issued by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for all accreditation bodies that are a signatory...
Accreditation Bulletin
IAF MD 9:2023, Application of ISO/IEC 17021-1...
Action required All customers will be assessed against IAF MD 9:2023, Issue 5, Application of ISO/IEC 17021-1 in the Field of Medical Device Quality Management Systems (ISO 13485) (PDF) at their next office assessment, and...
Accreditation Bulletin
Inspection Bodies with additional Fixed Office...
Action required Effective Immediately , all Inspection Bodies (IBs) shall include, in their Scopes of Accreditation (SOA), all Fixed Office Location(s) (FOL) that operate(s) under the Inspection Body. FOL can be located in...
Accreditation Bulletin
Program delivery update: DNA testing for Immigration...
Action required Revised requirements from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to be adopted IMMEDIATELY Affected customers SCC accredited testing laboratories within the field of DNA Relationship testing...
Accreditation Bulletin
IAF MD 1:2018 - IAF Mandatory Document for the...
Action required Stakeholders are asked to take note of the new document and amend their records and documentation as required. Affected customers Certification Bodies and assessors in the Management Systems Accreditation...
Accreditation Bulletin
IAF MD 11:2023, Application of ISO/IEC 17021-...
Action required IAF MD 11:2023, Issue 3, IAF Mandatory Document for the Application of ISO/IEC 17021-1 for Audits of Integrated Management Systems (PDF) was issued in 2023. MSAP customers with integrated management systems...
Accreditation Bulletin
TC ELD Scheme under CBAP – open for applications
Action required Submit the application to SCC. Affected customers Existing CBAP customers and any organization (New CBAP) interested in applying for the TC ELD ISO/IEC 17065 scheme. Background On June 12, 2019, Transport...
Accreditation Bulletin
Updated SCC Requirements and Guidance documents...
Action required Two SCC Requirements and Guidance documents used within the Laboratory Accreditation Programs have been updated as a result of the recent transition to the 4th edition of ISO 15189:2022 Medical laboratories —...
Accreditation Bulletin
MD 4:2022 Information and Communication Technology...
Action required IAF MD 4:2022 – IAF Mandatory Document for the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Auditing/Assessment Purposes, Issue 2, Version 3 (PDF) was released on February 1, 2022. Although using...
Accreditation Bulletin
“c” identifier – certification mark
Action required Accredited Certification Bodies for Products, Processes and Services (CBAP) in the area of electrical safety are asked to take note of the new clarification from regulators on the use of certification marks...