TC ELD Scheme under CBAP – open for applications

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Action required

Submit the application to SCC.


Affected customers

Existing CBAP customers and any organization (New CBAP) interested in applying for the TC ELD ISO/IEC 17065 scheme.



On June 12, 2019, Transport Canada published amendments (changes) to the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II (the Regulation). By June 2021, motor carriers and drivers will be required to use electronic logging devices (ELDs) that have been tested and certified by an accredited certification body. For more information about the broader overall ELD certification program and regulations, please refer to the information provided on Transport Canada’s website (link).


The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has partnered with Transport Canada by providing ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation to conformity assessment bodies who will, in turn, provide certification services for ELD manufacturers and suppliers.


SCC is happy to announce that it is now ready to begin accepting applications for the accreditation of TC ELD scheme under ISO/IEC 17065:2012.


As a result of this new scheme, the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program (RG-CBAP:2020) has been updated with scheme specific requirements summarized below. 


Non-conforming Product (4.1.3)

  • Added new clauses regarding non-conforming products specific to the TC ELD scheme

Resources for Evaluation (6.2.3)

  • New clause added requiring the use of a specified test plan if so required by an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

Certification Documentation (7.7.1)

  • New clause added requiring a unique identifier associated with the certification specific to the TC ELD scheme

Surveillance (7.9)

  • New clause added specifying the surveillance requirements specific to the TC ELD scheme

Relationships with AHJs (9.1)

  • New clause requiring the CB to advise the AHJ of non-conforming products specific to the TC ELD scheme


New requirements

In order to add the ELD to their scope, all the existing Certification Bodies accredited for ISO/IEC 17065 will need to apply for a scope extension and will be subject to a desk review of their documentation and on-site assessment.


CBs will be required to send SCC the following:

  • Evidence of updates to the management system covering the required modifications
  • Evidence of competency in this technical area


An on-site assessment will follow. Whenever possible, SCC will evaluate this new scheme requirement during our regularly scheduled office assessment.


New applicants who are interested in applying for the TC ELD ISO/IEC 17065 scheme shall request an application package. More information is available here.






Please contact Abdel Kassou, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at or +1 613 238 3222 for more information.