“c” identifier – certification mark

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

Accredited Certification Bodies for Products, Processes and Services (CBAP) in the area of electrical safety are asked to take note of the new clarification from regulators on the use of certification marks. Impacted ISO/IEC 17065 accredited CBs shall have full implementation by deadline.


Affected customers

SCC accredited Certification Bodies – accredited in the area of electrical safety for the Canadian market.



Historically, Canadian regulators have requested that certification marks clearly indicate which products are certified for Canada. In order to accomplish this, SCC and Canadian regulators have incorporated this  requirement within the SCC Requirements and Guidance document for product, process, and service certification bodies (R&G-CBAP: 2020) that details requirements over and beyond that of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 (R&G CBAP and  


These requirements state that:

       “A CB shall identify the market area(s) for which a certified product is designated either by the use of a unique mark for that area or a Canadian identifier (“c” identifier) or by the use of the alphabetic country abbreviation code provided in ISO 3166 or an appropriate qualifying statement adjacent to the certification mark…..  further…..Regulatory authorities in some fields demand the use of specific identifiers (such as the Canadian identifier or any other Regulatory mandated identifier)”


The Canadian Advisory Committee on Electrical Safety (CACES) recently issued a clarification for the use of certification marks in Canada in the area of electrical safety.


CACES regulatory members have decided that going forward, any new and/or revised certification mark in the area of electrical safety must use the “c” identifier and in the 8 o’clock position of the certification mark (no exceptions). In the next version of the CBAP R&G document (currently under review and scheduled for publication by spring 2021), SCC will be strengthening and enforcing this requirement.


CACES does not consider a unique mark to Canada, or an ISO 3166 country abbreviation to be acceptable as per R&G-CBAP for the area of electrical safety.


Furthermore, in order to remove any confusion that may exist in the Canadian market, CACES is requesting that SCC provide and maintain on their website a list of SCC approved marks, including Canadian identifiers, used by certification bodies in the area of electrical safety approvals for the Canadian market.


New requirements

Any revised or new certification mark from existing accredited certification bodies and any new certification mark from applicant certification bodies, utilized in the area of electrical safety for the Canadian market, shall use the “c” identifier at the 8 o’clock position.  


Additionally, for existing accredited certification bodies, SCC will be requesting that they submit their applicable certification marks, including the “c” identifier. Marks currently in use and in the marketplace are still considered valid and until revised, they do not need to meet this requirement.



Effective immediately.



Please contact Abdel Kassou, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at abdel.kassou@scc-ccn.ca or +1 613 238 3222 for more information.