Refine Results
Displaying 1465 - 1476 of 1546
Notice of Intent
NAFS - North american fenestration standard/Specification...
Scope 1.1 General This fenestration Standard/Specification applies to both operating and fixed, new construction and replacement windows, doors, SSPs, TDDs, roof windows, and unit skylights installed into exterior building...
Notice of Intent
Impedance heating of pipelines and equipment - ...
1.1 General This standard is divided into seven clauses that cover requirements for impedance heating when installed in ordinary locations as well as in hazardous (classified) locations. Clause 1 provides the scope, purpose...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for Energy Storage Systems...
Note: The scope for this NOI (originally published on July 6, 2021) was updated by the responsible SDO on August 23, 2022. 1.1 These requirements cover an energy storage system (ESS) that is intended to receive and store...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Combustible Liquid Tank Accessories
1 Scope 1.1 This Standard covers construction and performance requirements for the tank accessories identified in Clause 1.2, for use on atmospheric aboveground tanks not exceeding 19,927 L (5,000 U.S. gal) which are intended...
Young Professionals Standardization Framework
Proactive engagement and retention of young professionals in Canada’s standardization network is a key objective for the SCC and its partners. Of the 3,300 SCC members, roughly 16% are under 40 years of age. Appropriate...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-13: Particular...
Replacement: This International Standard is applicable to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of an ANAESTHETIC WORKSTATION for administering inhalational anaesthesia whilst continuously attended by a professional...
Notice of Intent
Electric Toys - Safety
This International Standard specifies safety requirements for electric toys that have at least one function dependant on electricity, electric toys being any product designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Combustible Liquid Tank Accessories
1.1 This Standard covers construction and performance requirements for the tank accessories identified in Clause 1.2 , for use on atmospheric aboveground tanks not exceeding 19,927 L (5,000 U.S. gal) which are intended for...
Notice of Intent
Recreational vehicles
Z240.0.2-14 - General requirements for recreational vehicles Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies dimensional and safety requirements for recreational vehicles. Its purpose is to specify minimum criteria for providing a degree...
Notice of Intent
Intelligent Building System Objective Code
This Code specifies objectives to provide for the safety, security and privacy of persons and/or property against dangers and damage that can arise from the implementation of an intelligent building system. In addition, this...
Standardization in the field of the application of electro-technical equipment and systems to machinery (including a group of machines working together in a coordinated manner, excluding higher-level systems aspects) not...