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University of Guelph - Laboratory Services Division
File Number
Program Specialty Area
Field of Testing
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC’s New Requirements and Guidance Documents...
Action required With the recent publication of SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing Laboratories , SCC has now concluded its initiative to replace the CAN-P documents with Requirements & Guidance (R...
Accreditation Bulletin
Bulletin 2017-09
Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories must cease referring to CAN-P-1628 - PALCAN Policy on the Use of Information Technology in Accredited Laboratories - November 2006 and must now refer to SCC Requirements...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Validation...
Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories must now refer to SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Validation in Testing Laboratories and cease referring to CAN-P-1629 PALCAN Guidance For The Validation Of...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Guidelines and Procedures for Laboratories...
Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories must now refer to SCC Guidelines and Procedures for Laboratories with Serious and Critical Nonconformities and cease referring to CAN-P-1625 - PALCAN Policy on...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation...
Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories must now refer to SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing Laboratories and cease referring to CAN-P-1630 - PALCAN Interpretations for Conducting...