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Displaying 181 - 192 of 12076
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Telecommunications and...
This standard defines several media independent services (MIS); handover, home energy management system (HEMS), software-defined radio access networks (SDRANs), radio resource management (RRM), and device-to-device (D2D)...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Telecommunications and...
This standard defines several media independent services (MIS); handover, home energy management system (HEMS), software-defined radio access networks (SDRANs), radio resource management (RRM), and device-to-device (D2D)...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Space Heaters for use with Solid...
This Standard applies to hand-fuelled solid-fuel fired space heaters of the radiant, convection or forced-circulating type, intended for residential heating. This Standard applies to: Space heaters having provision for...
Compilation of standards in climate action case...
This series of case studies demonstrates the benefits of using standards to build sustainable, resilient communities.
SCC applauds new partnership between PASC and...
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) applauds the cooperation arrangement between the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). As an active member of both PASC and COPANT...
Notice of Intent
Gas-fired central furnaces
Details test and examination criteria for automatically operating gas-fired central furnaces for use for installation in residential, commercial, and industrial structures including furnaces for direct vent, recreational...
Notice of Intent
Sustainability of Clothes Washers
This Standard takes a multi-attribute, life cycle approach to measuring a broad spectrum of environmental and social impacts of clothes washing home appliances as a means of assessing sustainability performance. This Standard...
Notice of Intent
Sound and television broadcast receivers and ...
This standard for immunity requirements applies to television broadcast receivers, sound sociated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. This standard describes the methods...
Notice of Intent
Gas-Fired Central Furnaces
Details test and examination criteria for automatically operating gas-fired central furnaces for use with nat., mfd. and mixed gases, LP gases and LP gas air mixtures. Central furnaces are designed to supply heated air...
Notice of Intent
Sound and television broadcast receivers and ...
Scope and object This standard for immunity requirements applies to television broadcast receivers, sound sociated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. This standard...
Notice of Intent
Gas Clothes Dryers, V I, Type 2 Clothes Dryers
This Standard applies to newly produced Type 1 clothes dryers (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as dryers, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials: use with natural gas; use with...
Strengthening the resilience of Canada’s sewer...
Every year across Canada, billions of litres of clean rain and groundwater is unnecessarily discharged into sanitary sewers and treated at sewage treatment plants. This excess water in sewers, referred to as Inflow...