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Displaying 85 - 96 of 187
Notice of Intent
Liming Materials from Industrial Processes
PURPOSE This standard specifies the characteristics of liming materials derived from industrial processes, as well as criteria and test methods for assessing these characteristics. SCOPE This standard applies to industrial...
Notice of Intent
Ductile-Iron Pipe for Water Pressure Piping Systems...
Specification of the physical, mechanical and dimensional characteristics of ductile iron-pipe intended for use in water pressure piping systems of diameters 75 mm through 1600 mm for bell and spigot-joint and flanged-joint...
Notice of Intent
Contamination of Residential Buildings by Wood...
1 Objet This document covers the contamination of residential buildings by wood-decay fungi. It covers the aspects to take into consideration during the inspection of a building so as to assess the causes and the extent of...
Notice of Intent
Sustainable Development - Guidelines for the ...
Purpose and Sope The purpose of this guide is to encourage and facilitate the implementation of the principles of the Sustainable Development Act in all types of organizations. This document is not intended for the purpose of...
Notice of Intent
Sustainable Development – Guidelines for the ...
Purpose and Scope The purpose of this guide is to encourage and facilitate the implementation of the principles of the Sustainable Development Act in all types of organizations. This document is not intended for the purpose...
Notice of Intent
Civil Engineering Works - Aggregates --- Part...
Purpose and Scope This part establishes the requirements that apply prior to the transportation and placement of aggregates used in pavements for sub-base, granular wearing course and shoulder. WARNING - There are additional...
Notice of Intent
Precast Concrete Edging -- Dimensional, Geometric...
Purpose and scope This current standard aims at specifying the characteristics of the precast concrete edgings with no reinforcement as well as the applicable controls and tests. These edgings are used namely to delineate a...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of the water-density relation...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This current standard aims at specifying a testing method to determine the water-density relation of the soils and soils-aggregates mixtures when they are compacted within a mold using an electrical...
Notice of Intent
Professional Customer Service - Funeral Service...
SCOPE AND PURPOSE This standard is intended to establish requirements related to the quality of customer service offered by funeral service providers. When this service standard concerns management activities, such as the...
Notice of Intent
Spas - Customer Service
Purpose This standard specifies requirements relating to the characteristics encouraging the quality and reli-ability of the services offered to customers at spas, the characteristics of the equipment and prem-ises, as well...
Notice of Intent
Christmas Trees - Classification System
Purpose The purpose of this standard is to establish, on the basis of a set of characteristics, a commercial classification system for the different types of conifers that can be used as Christmas trees. This standard does...
Notice of Intent
Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Soil ...
Purpose and Scope This standard specifies the characteristics and test methods for polyethylene (PE) pipe and fittings designed for soil drainage applying notably to agricultural drain and to foundation drain. This standard...