Refine Results
Displaying 1 - 12 of 45
The economic impacts of misalignment in the Canadian...
Lack of alignment of the Canadian Electrical Code across Canadian provinces and territories can be a technical barrier to trade. Regulatory inconsistencies, such as in the misalignment of electrical codes across provinces and...
Strengthening Canada’s Standardization Network - Avoiding Duplication of Standards and Effort
As the leader of Canada’s standardization network, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) worked with numerous stakeholders to address the duplication of standards used in Canada, and the duplication of effort of those...
Young Professionals Standardization Framework
Proactive engagement and retention of young professionals in Canada’s standardization network is a key objective for the SCC and its partners. Of the 3,300 SCC members, roughly 16% are under 40 years of age. Appropriate...
Program Overview – Guidelines for the Development...
A Standards Council of Canada accredited certification body may develop Other Recognized Documents (ORD) to provide certification services within their accredited scope in areas where Canadian Recognized Standards do not...
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process...
The purpose of this document is to outline the additional criteria and guidance for product, process, and service certification bodies, above and beyond the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012. These requirements and guidance...
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Inspection Body...
This document is a companion to ISO/IEC 17020 and outlines unique Canadian requirements of the SCC Accreditation Program for Inspection Bodies that inspect and make a determination of conformity for products destined for the...
Flexible Standards-Based Strategies and Solutions
SCC works within the standardization network to find ways to leverage standardization to meet the needs of all its stakeholders – from government to industry, to each Canadian we serve. Those needs are evolving and require...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
The Mental Health and Substance Use Health Standardization...
The National Mental Health and Substance Use Health (MHSUH) Standardization Collaborative was established to coordinate standardization efforts nationwide. Over two years, we engaged with over 300 people from government...
Annual Report 2018-2019: Delivering Value Together
The Standards Council of Canada is pleased to publish our 2018–19 Annual Report.
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Independent Safety...
This document provides requirements and guidance of the Independent Safety Assessor for Railway Systems Accreditation Sub-program that SCC operates and is a companion to ISO/IEC 17020. It outlines unique Canadian requirements...
Corporate Plan Summary 2023-24 to 2027-28 | Setting...
Standards and conformity assessment are critical enablers of the 21st-century knowledge economy, providing for effective, safe, reliable and interoperable products, services and processes. Standardization underpins a robust...