Cover page - The Mental Health and Substance Use Health Standardization Roadmap Prepared by the National Mental Health and Substance Use Health Standardization Collaborative

The Mental Health and Substance Use Health Standardization Roadmap

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The National Mental Health and Substance Use Health (MHSUH) Standardization Collaborative was established to coordinate standardization efforts nationwide. Over two years, we engaged with over 300 people from government, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis governments and communities, experts, academics, researchers, academic and research bodies, people with lived and living experience, industry, providers, professional associations, pan-Canadian health organizations, and standards development bodies.


The resulting Roadmap describes the existing and envisioned national standardization landscape for MHSUH systems and services in Canada. It aims to identify areas for improvement and propose actionable recommendations to bridge existing gaps and explore new avenues for standardization.