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Displaying 10789 - 10800 of 11299
The economic impacts of misalignment in the Canadian...
Lack of alignment of the Canadian Electrical Code across Canadian provinces and territories can be a technical barrier to trade. Regulatory inconsistencies, such as in the misalignment of electrical codes across provinces and...
The Case for Aligning Requirements for Water ...
This report, undertaken by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), focuses on increasing internal trade by addressing the ways standards can act as a barrier to trade. It explores the issues with CRN requirements in Canada...
SCC Engagement with Academia Strategy
The framework for the Academia Standardization Engagement strategy is a fundamental step with the aim of developing cooperation with academia in a systematic way. The strategy will guide SCC’s engagement with academia in...
The Canadian Smart Grid Standards Roadmap
The goal of this document is to provide a roadmap—a strategic plan—to advance the standards environment from today’s legacy electricity grid to tomorrow’s full deployment, operation and evolution of the Canadian Smart Grid...
A Breath of Fresh Air: How updating indoor air...
This report details the significant cost of poor indoor air quality. Regulators reference air quality standards in regulations to safeguard employees. However, this research demonstrates the benefits that can be realized from...
Young Professionals Standardization Framework
Proactive engagement and retention of young professionals in Canada’s standardization network is a key objective for the SCC and its partners. Of the 3,300 SCC members, roughly 16% are under 40 years of age. Appropriate...
Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard...
This project seeks to understand the role and scope of a risk and quality management standard that could be developed to assist municipalities, engineers and other professional practitioners in designing, operating...
Mobilizing the Recommendations in Thermally Comfortable...
This report summarizes the results of an engagement process to discuss ideas to mobilize the recommendations found in a recently published report by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), in collaboration with the National...
SCC’s Innovation Initiative Case Studies Compendium
SCC created its Innovation Initiative in 2017 so Canadian innovators from coast to coast could reap the benefits that standardization offers. We engaged with more than 250 from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to...
Compilation of standards in climate action case...
This series of case studies demonstrates the benefits of using standards to build sustainable, resilient communities.