International standards development (Annie test)

International non-governmental standards are primarily developed by two organizations:

  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops standards in all areas except for electrical, electronic and information technologies. 

    SCC represents Canada as the country's member body at ISO.


  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) develops standards for electrical, electronic and related technologies. The Canadian National Committee of IEC (CANC/IEC) is the key governance and management body for Canada's participation in the IEC. CANC/IEC facilitates Canada's position on standards development. 

    SCC sponsors CANC/IEC and provides the Secretariat. 


International Standards are developed through collaboration and consensus by a global group of experts. They are developed using an established process in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives. National standards bodies, like SCC, nominate experts to represent their country’s interests. 

SCC's role

SCC Directives and Member Code of Conduct 


SCC determines Canada’s participation using the requirements and guidance for participation in international standards activities that are governed by:  

  • SCC Directives Part 1: Participation in International Standardization #link
  • SCC Directives Part 2: Participation in International & Regional Standardization Organizations #link
  • SCC Directives Part 3: Administrating Organizations – Management of Mirror Committees #link
  • Member Code of Conduct #link

Mirror committees in Canada


SCC facilitates the participation of Canadian experts in developing ISO/IEC International Standards through its mirror committees. Mirror committees inform Canada’s position on standards to ISO and IEC.  There is a Canadian mirror committee for international standards that are a national priority, including areas like the environment, health care and the digital economy. 


Experts bring their subject matter knowledge and skills to develop standards in areas of great importance to Canada. 

As SCC members, they share their time and expertise to advance the country’s best interests through standards development.


Each country gets one vote on standards proposals. 

Standards development activities at the international level are determined by bodies at governance levels.  In participating in mirror committees, experts play a key role in advancing Canada’s interests and leadership on the world stage. 

Steps in international standards development

National standards bodies propose and approve a new standard for development.

Global technical experts develop the standard.

National standards bodies and the public review and comment on the new standard.

Technical experts incorporate comments and revise the draft standard.

National standards bodies vote and approve the new standard.

The standard is published; it will be reviewed and revised as needed.

Want to comment on a draft standard?

ISO logo

You can find ISO standards Open for comment by selecting "Drafts under enquiry." Use the search button.


Go to ISO

IEC logo

If you have an IEC account, provide your comments at IEC Public Commenting.  


Go to IEC

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Close up of business people putting their hands together. Business colleagues showing unity

Participate in governance work

Participating at the governance level means playing a leading role in shaping the direction of ISO and IEC.

Team of four collaborating in a modern meeting room

How national standards are developed

Standards developers accredited by SCC, and the National Standards of Canada they develop, must meet SCC’s requirements for openness, balance, consensus and prescribed process. This ensures that all interested parties have an opportunity to participate in standards development.

small group of colleagues working together

Find and buy standards

Browse our database to search for published National Standards of Canada and international standards. You can also search for Other Recognized Documents. Find out where to buy the standards you need.