
Refine Results
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Displaying 121 - 132 of 11298
Accreditation Bulletin

SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...

Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories accredited under the Test Method Development and Non-Routine Testing program specialty area (PSA) must now refer to SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation of...

SCC launches AI accreditation lessons learned...

Our AI accreditation pilot revealed essential insights that are now shaping the development of AI management systems accreditation and certification—find them in our newly published lessons learned report . The report...
Accreditation Bulletin

SCC Witness Audit Requirements as per IAF MD ...

IAF MD 17:2015 Witnessing Activities for the Accreditation of Management Systems Certification Bodies will be effective January 7, 2018 and applies to witness audit requirements for all Management Systems Programs (MS schemes...
Accreditation Bulletin

Withdrawal of SCC Requirements and Guidance for...

Action required All references to the SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing and Calibration Laboratories Performing On-site Testing and Calibrations should be removed from use. Affected customers SCC...
Accreditation Bulletin

SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...

Action required All SCC laboratories engaged in Test Method Development and Non-Routine Testing shall conform to the revised edition of the SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation of Laboratories Engaged in Test...