Road vehicles — Motorcycles — Symbols for controls, indicators and telltales
Specifies the symbols, i. e. conventional signs, used to identify certain controls, indicators and tell-tales on a motorcycle and to facilitate their usage. Indicates the colours of possible optical tell-tales which warn the driver of the operation or malfunctioning of the devices and equipment connected to the corresponding controls.
Printed boards. Part 7: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards without th...
Applies to single and double sided printed boards without through connections irrespective of their method of manufacture. Is intended as a basis on which agreements between purchaser and vendor can be made. Defines the characteristics and establishes uniform requirements for judging properties and dimensions.
Printed boards. Part 8: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards with throu...
Applies to single and double sided printed boards with through connections irrespective of their method of manufacture. Is intended as a basis on which agreements between purchaser and vendor can be made. Defines the characteristics to be assessed, the test methods to be used and establishes uniform requirements for judging properties and dimensions.
Base materials for printed circuits. Part 3: Special materials used in connection with printed circu...
Covers the bonding sheet material used in the fabrication of multilayer printed boards. The test methods for bonding sheet material are also dealt with.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to add-on heat pumps for comfort heating or heating
and cooling not exceeding 20 kW in the cooling mode and rated at 600 V or less,
single or polyphase, intended to utilize the fan assemblies and duct work of
the existing installed furnaces to form the complete functional systems where
the existing parts are not covered by this Standard.
Note: For…