Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 24: Sectional specification - Fixed tantalum...
IEC 60384-24:2015 applies to fixed tantalum electrolytic surface mount capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte primarily intended for d.c. applications for use in electronic equipment. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Revision of the structure in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2:2011 (sixth edition)…
Iron ores — Determination of loss on ignition — Gravimetric method
ISO 11536:2015 specifies a gravimetric method for the determination of the loss in mass of fully-oxidized iron ores, when ignited at 1 000 °C.
This method is applicable to a concentration range of 1,0 % (m/m) to 10,0 % (m/m) loss on ignition in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates.
The method is not applicable to the following:
a) Processed ores containing metallic iron (…
Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Part 2: Combustion/titration method
ISO 4689-2:2015 specifies a combustion/titration method for the determination of the sulfur content of iron ores.
This method is applicable to sulfur contents between 0,002 % (mass fraction) and 0,25 % (mass fraction) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates, and agglomerates, including sinter products. The results are not affected by the presence of fluoride.
Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Part 3: Combustion/infrared method
ISO 4689-3:2015 specifies a combustion/infrared method, using a high-frequency induction furnace, for the determination of the sulfur content of iron ores.
This method is applicable to sulfur contents between 0,002 % (mass fraction) and 0,25 % (mass fraction) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products. The method is not applicable to iron ores…
ISO 2386:2015 specifies a method for determination of the moisture content of packed cork, either virgin cork, raw reproduction cork, ramassage, gleanings, burnt cork, boiled reproduction cork or raw corkwaste.
ISO 2385:2015 applies to packed cork and specifies the method of sampling virgin cork, raw reproduction cork, ramassage, gleanings, burnt cork, boiled reproduction cork and raw corkwaste for the determination of moisture content.
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) — Determination of the microstructure of solution-polymerized SBR — P...
ISO 21561-1:2015 specifies procedures for the quantitative determination of the microstructure of the butadiene and the content of styrene in solution-polymerized SBR (S-SBR) by 1H-NMR spectrometry as an absolute method and by IR spectrometry as a relative method. The styrene content is expressed in mass % relative to the whole polymer. The trans, cis and vinyl contents are expressed in mol %…
Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-3: TCN communication profi...
IEC 61375-2-3:2015 specifies rules for the data exchange between consists in trains. The aggregation of these rules defines the TCN communication profile. The objective of the communication profile is to ensure interoperability between consists of the said trains with respect to the exchange of information. For this purpose it defines all items which are necessary for communication…
Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-3: TCN communication profi...
IEC 61375-2-3:2015 specifies rules for the data exchange between consists in trains. The aggregation of these rules defines the TCN communication profile. The objective of the communication profile is to ensure interoperability between consists of the said trains with respect to the exchange of information. For this purpose it defines all items which are necessary for communication…
Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Operator'...
ISO 3600:2015 specifies the content and gives guidance on the format of operator's manuals for tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, and powered lawn and garden equipment. It is intended to assist manufacturers of the machinery in the drafting and presentation of these manuals. Manuals intended for use by a service technician are not within the scope of this International…