Refine Results
Displaying 11293 - 11304 of 12075
Accreditation Bulletin
Resuming on-site activities
Action required Take note that the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is resuming on-site activities, while maintaining a service delivery model that includes both remote and on-site activities. Effective immediately, SCC...
Accreditation Bulletin
Application of IAF MD 25 for the evaluation of...
Action required IAF MD 25:2023 Criteria for Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes (PDF) is a new mandatory document issued by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for all accreditation bodies that are a signatory...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition to ISO 15189:2022 for accredited laboratories...
Action required Accredited laboratories shall review their existing quality system and prepare for their first assessment against the ISO 15189:2022 according to the timeline described below. Assessors for this program shall...
Accreditation Bulletin
2019 SDO Requirements and Guidance Transition
SCC’s Standards and International Relations Branch recently updated the Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations (R&G 2019). It was approved by SCC’s Council on June 13, 2019 and has now...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Policy for Scope Extensions and List of Standards...
Action required SCC has, effective immediately, established a new policy for scope extensions for the addition of standards that the certification body (CB) wishes to use in its certifications issued under SCC accreditation...
Accreditation Bulletin
Revised Edition of the SCC Requirements and Guidance...
Action required All SCC-accredited inspection bodies shall conform to the latest revised edition of the SCC Requirements and Guidance – Inspection Body Accreditation Program (RG-IBAP). Affected customers SCC-accredited...
Accreditation Bulletin
New Editions of the SCC Requirements and Guidance...
Action required All accredited product, process, and service certification bodies must review and conform to the revised SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program...
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Inc.
File Number
Inspection Bodies
Accreditation Sub-Programs
Eurofins Electrical and Electronic Testing NA...
File Number
Inspection Bodies
Accreditation Sub-Programs
File Number
Program Specialty Area
Field of Testing