New Editions of the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program and the Program Overview – Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of Other Recognized Documents (ORDs)

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

All accredited product, process, and service certification bodies must review and conform to the revised SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program.


Affected customers

Accredited and applicant product, process, and service certification bodies, as well as SCC assessors for that program.



Over the past year, SCC has consulted with stakeholders in the Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program (CBAP), as well at the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) to review, and revise as necessary, the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program.


New requirements

The following changes have been made to the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program:


Section 4: 

  • Guidance statements have been added regarding the registration of certification marks with CIPO.
  • A guidance statement has been added regarding regulatory mandated identifiers.
  • The requirement regarding ISO/IEC Guide 27 has been split into two separate requirements.


Section 8:

  • A requirement and a guidance statement have been added regarding Internal Audits.


The following change has been made to the Program Overview – Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of Other Recognized Documents (ORDs):

  • The Requirements listed in Section 4 have been removed and replaced with a reference to the identical requirements listed in the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program. This was done to eliminate any confusion to the new documents, so as to make it clear the Program Overview – Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of Other Recognized Documents (ORDs) is not to be considered a requirements document.



As the revisions are considered minor in nature, the new version of the document is in effect immediately.



Please contact Elias Rafoul, Vice President, Accreditation Services, at or +1 613 238 3222 for more information.