Resuming on-site activities

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Action required

Take note that the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is resuming on-site activities, while maintaining a service delivery model that includes both remote and on-site activities. 

Effective immediately, SCC plans to conduct the following activities on-site:

  • Witness audits for all programs
  • Initial assessments for all programs
  • Office assessments/inspections for the following programs: 
    • Laboratory Accreditation Program (LAP)
    • Medical Laboratory Accreditation Program (MLAP)
    • Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation Program (PTPAP)
    • Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)


Scope extensions, depending on the complexity, (e.g., laboratory relocations, new schemes, new fixed office locations), may be conducted on-site.


Assessments that are already scheduled with confirmed dates and an assessment team secured will remain unchanged.


As a reminder, in accordance with the IAF’s recently published MD 4:2022 Information and Communication Technology for Auditing, SCC expects its accredited organizations to return to conducting their activities on-site and that all remote activities shall be justified. 

Affected customers

All customers and applicants in all SCC accreditation and recognition programs.


SCC is resuming some activities on-site now that restrictions are lifting, as international guidance from IAF and ILAC evolves, and as assessors and customers request more activities be completed on-site. The guidelines developed by SCC are informed by risk assessments and consider the effectiveness of accurately evaluating organizations’ competency to conduct conformity assessment activities.


We recognize that resuming on-site activities after over two years is a transition for everyone involved. 


While SCC has a plan to determine which activities take place on-site and remotely, we will also allow for flexibility where feasible and appropriate. Customers can request changes to how activities are conducted during the scheduling process, and SCC will review the rationale provided and risk associated with these requests on a case-by-case basis.


We appreciate the value of remote activities, and they will remain part of our service delivery model. Surveillance and reaccreditation office assessments for the following programs will continue to be conducted remotely, except where an on-site activity is deemed necessary by SCC, scheme owners, or other stakeholders: 

  • Product, Process and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program (CBAP)
  • Inspection Bodies Accreditation Program (IBAP)
  • Management Systems Accreditation Program (MSAP)
  • Bodies Performing the Certification of Persons Accreditation Program (CPAP)
  • Standard Development Organization Accreditation Program (SDO)
  • Validation/Verification Bodies Accreditation Program (VVBAP)


For all activities, SCC will evaluate the appropriate modality of delivery (on-site, remote or hybrid), including a risk assessment. 


The safety of our customers, assessors, and SCC staff remains paramount. SCC continues to monitor federal, provincial, and municipal directives, and public health protocols to guide our decision-making. 

New requirements



Effective immediately, assessment and inspection activities that are not finalized will be scheduled according to the above plan.


For more information, please contact Abdel Kassou, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at or +1 613 238 3222, or Vivekananthan Kulasingham, Manager Compliance and Assessment Services at or +1-613-238-3222.