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Displaying 205 - 216 of 660
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Certification Bodies Witness...
Action required All accredited management systems certification bodies (CBs) shall ensure they are providing SCC with audit information within a timely manner, as per the Accreditation Program Overview, mandatory program...
Accreditation Bulletin
Requirements for the CanadaGAP Program Management...
Action required All accredited Product, Process and Service Certification Bodies who are currently certifying organizations to CanadaGAP are required to transition to CanadaGAP Version 8.0 of the Program Management Manual by...
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Update: New issue of MD 11
Action required Accredited management system certification bodies shall follow the new issue of IAF MD 11:2019, issue 2, version 2, for the application of ISO/IEC 17021-1 for audits of integrated management systems. Affected...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition for CanadaGAP® food safety for fresh...
Action required All accredited Product, Process and Service Certification Bodies that are currently certifying organizations to CanadaGAP are required to transition to CanadaGAP version 10 of the CanadaGAP® food safety...
Nominations open for Canadian committee advising...
Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is accepting nominations for the establishment of a Canadian Advisory Committee on machine-readable standards in support of Canada’s participation on ISO Council’s SMART Steering Group (SG)...
Notice of Intent
Emergency and continuity management program
Emergency management is more than just quickly responding to a crisis; it also requires having plans in place for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and business continuity. The functions of emergency...
Notice of Intent
Infection Prevention and Control
Health Standards Organization (HSO) is developing a National Standard of Canada (NSC) for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), CAN/HSO 4001:2026. This standard will focus on enabling high quality, people-centred care with...
Notice of Intent
Mitigation of the Risks of Inflow and Infiltration...
Scope and Field of Application: The standard will cover the requirements and recommendations regarding the mitigation of the inflow and infiltration risks as part of the planning, design, construction, inspection and approval...
Experts offer a ‘toolbox’ to protect lives and...
Under One Umbrella: Practical Approaches for Reducing Flood Risks in Canada highlights a range of standards and guidance on flood risk reduction Extreme weather events including floods are becoming more common. Every year...
SCC and CIRNAC team up with Scout Engineering...
Canada is on the frontline of climate change. Current climatic conditions are changing rapidly, and Indigenous communities are disproportionately affected by these changes. Reliable and consistent climate data is vital for...
Notice of Intent
Health care facility design studies and post-...
1.1 This Standard provides requirements and guidance for a consistent approach on how to plan and conduct a study to evaluate different HCF design features while ensuring that the resources required and level of rigour match...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Witness Audit Requirements as per IAF MD ...
IAF MD 17:2015 Witnessing Activities for the Accreditation of Management Systems Certification Bodies will be effective January 7, 2018 and applies to witness audit requirements for all Management Systems Programs (MS schemes...