Refine Results
Displaying 13 - 24 of 187
Notice of Intent
Organic Soil Conditioners - Composts - Determination...
Note: The Standard Development Activity and Project Need of this Notice of Intent (originally published on February 16, 2021) was updated by the responsible SDO on February 7, 2023. Purpose This method aims to determine the...
Notice of Intent
Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — ...
Note: The standard designation number and French title for this NOI (originally published on June 13, 2017), was updated by the responsible SDO on January 25, 2022. This document specifies performance requirements and test...
Notice of Intent
Biomethane - Quality Specifications for Injection...
Note: The standard designation, proposed standard type and project need for this NOI (originally published December 21, 2021) was updated by the responsible SDO on February 22, 2022. Purpose and Scope This standard specifies...
Notice of Intent
Existing Sanitary Sewer Systems - Inflow and ...
Note: The standard designation for this NOI (originally published on May 9, 2023) was updated by the responsible SDO on May 16, 2023. Purpose and scope: The standard is intended to implement a mitigation program to mitigate...
Notice of Intent
Characterization of fill materials
Note: As requested by the responsible SDO, this NOI being reissued as the standard was in the initial stages of development for more than 12 months. An additional comment period of June 13 to July 5, 2023 (originally...
Notice of Intent
Specifications for compostable plastics
Note: This NOI was withdrawn by the responsible SDO on February 14, 2023. Scope This International Standard specifies procedures and requirements for the identification and labelling of plastics, and products made from...
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - Drinking Water and Sewer ...
Note: The standard designation number for this NOI (originally published on February 22, 2022), was updated by the responsible SDO on March 1, 2022. 1. PURPOSE This standardized specification also applies to all work required...
Notice of Intent
Outdoor Lighting - Light Pollution Control
Development of a consensus-based standard aiming to provide a framework for outdoor lighting so as to help reducing light pollution.
Notice of Intent
Ambulances - Vehicle Specifications
This standard defines the requirements related to the specifications of an ambulance used to transport occupants, taking into account their comfort and safety. It should be taken into account that ambulances shall comply with...
Notice of Intent
Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings (PE) - Pipe...
This standard specifies the characteristics and test methods for solid-wall pipe and fittings made from high density polyethylene (PE-HD) with a hydrostatic design basis equal to or greater than 11 MPa.