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Displaying 8845 - 8856 of 12192
Notice of Intent

Propane for fuel purposes

Note: The ICS Code for this NOI (originally published on November 22, 2022) was updated by the responsible SDO on March 5, 2024. This standard describes two grades of propane used for fuel purposes. These grades consist...
Notice of Intent

Safety glazing

SCOPE This National Standard of Canada applies to glazing materials that have been subjected to the test methods described herein. Such test methods are intended to demonstrate minimum performance characteristics designed to...
Notice of Intent

Aggregates - Recycled Materials Produced from...

Purpose and Scope The purpose of this standard is to classify and determine the physical, chemical, intrinsic and pro-duction characteristics of the recycled materials used as aggregates and which are produced from concrete...
Notice of Intent

Characterization of fill materials

Note: As requested by the responsible SDO, this NOI being reissued as the standard was in the initial stages of development for more than 12 months. An additional comment period of June 13 to July 5, 2023 (originally...
Notice of Intent

Electric and combustion engine ambulances

Purpose and scope This standard specifies requirements for the design, performance, and safety of equipment in an ambulance (patient compartment) used for the transport and care of patients. The standard also specifies...
Notice of Intent

Geotechnical Site Investigations for Building...

Following the completion of SCC’s Duplication Resolution Mechanism (DRM), the duplication complaint regarding CAN/ASC 2.3 has been withdrawn. This completes processing the raised duplication for CAN/ASC 2.3. Purpose This...
Notice of Intent

Existing Sanitary Sewer Systems - Inflow and ...

Note: The standard designation for this NOI (originally published on May 9, 2023) was updated by the responsible SDO on May 16, 2023. Purpose and scope: The standard is intended to implement a mitigation program to mitigate...
Notice of Intent

Electronic records as documentary evidence

This standard provides guidance for developing policies, procedures, processes and documentation that support the continuing reliability, accuracy and authenticity of electronic records to: ensure that electronic records can...
Notice of Intent

Oxygenated automotive gasoline containing ethanol...

This National Standard of Canada applies to two types of oxygenated gasoline, E1-E10 (“Type A”) and E11-E15 (“Type B”), to which no lead or phosphorus compounds have been added, and in which the oxygenate consists essentially...
Notice of Intent

Free-standing office desk/table, storage products...

This standard provides dimensional and performance requirements for safety, durability and structural adequacy of free-standing components of office desk/table and storage products, including benching systems. Vertical filing...
Notice of Intent

Healthy Enterprise - Prevention, Promotion and...

Purpose This standard specifies significant requirements for prevention, promotion, and organizational practices that contribute to health and wellness in the workplace, including the psychological and social aspects. These...