Refine Results
Displaying 3973 - 3984 of 12084
Notice of Intent
Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes...
1.1 This method is intended for measuring the nominal thickness of geotextile fabrics as determined between parallel plane surfaces under a pressure of 2.0kPa. 1.2 Since most geotextiles are compressible, the thickness...
Notice of Intent
Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes...
1.1 This method is intended for use in determining the breaking load and elongation at rupture of both woven and non-woven geotextiles by the grab method. 1.2 The procedure is applicable to geotextiles either in the...
Notice of Intent
Methods of Testing Geosynthetics: Geotextiles...
1.1 This method is used to determine the Filtration Opening Size (FOS) of woven, knitted and non-woven geotextiles but it is particularly recommended for non-woven geotextiles. 1.2 This method can be used to measure the FOS...
Notice of Intent
Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes...
1.1 This method is for the determination of stiffness of geotextiles expressed as bending length and flexural rigidity. It is known as the single cantilever test. 1.2 This method is not applicable to fabrics that twist badly...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic Interference Measuring Instrument...
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard sets forth the characteristics of an instrument conforming to C.I.S.P.R. requirements for the measurement of electromagnetic interference, both conducted and radiated, in the frequency range 0.15...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-...
Scope This part of IEC 61000 deals with emission of disturbances due to voltage fluctuations and flicker. The recommendations in this Technical Specification are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment that has a...
Notice of Intent
Code for digester gas, landfill gas, and biogas...
1.1 General 1.1.1 This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in newly constructed wastewater treatment plants, as well as additions to, and the...
Notice of Intent
Vapourizing-Type Oil Burners
1.1 This Standard applies to oil burning assemblies comprising a vapourizing burner and such devices as may be required to control the supply of fuel to the burner. 1.2 This Standard applies only to oil burner assemblies...
Notice of Intent
Pressure Atomizing Oil Burner Nozzles
1.1 This Standard states the minimum requirements for nozzles which are designed for installation in oil burners of the pressure atomizing type. 1.2 This Standard includes requirements for construction, marking, and...
Notice of Intent
Oil Burning Stoves and Water Heaters
1.1 This Specification applies to complete flue-connected oil burning stoves incorporating oil burners of the vapourizing-type. 1.2 The requirements given herein apply to circulating and radiant room heaters, ranges, and...
Notice of Intent
Portable Kerosine-Fired Heaters
1.1 This Standard applies to kerosine-fuelled appliances with capacities up to 4400 W that are primarily used as portable space heating appliances. 1.2 Appliances with input capacities greater than 4400 W may be examined and...
Notice of Intent
Nonmetallic sheathed cable
1.1 This Standard applies to nonmetallic sheathed cables intended for use on systems having a nominal voltage of 300 V and less, in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. 1.2 In this Standard,...