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Displaying 7909 - 7920 of 9299
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Breaking strength of yarns...
This method determines the breaking strength of single strands of yarns, including monofilaments, single yarns, plied or folded yarns, cabled yarns, cords, threads and twines. It is designed primarily for testing yarn in...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Breaking strength of yarns...
This method determines the breaking strength of skeins of yarn. The method is primarily for quality control and acceptance testing of spun yarns. A skein provides a large enough specimen to average out some of the variation...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Breaking strength of nonwoven...
This method determines the breaking strength of nonwoven textile fabrics. It is intended primarily for testing materials that are difficult to grip in the clamps of the testing machine and that cannot be tested satisfactorily...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Resistance of woven fabrics...
This method is for evaluating the resistance to slippage of weft yarns on warp yarns, or warp yarns on weft yarns, at the seam of a woven fabric. This method is particularly applicable to apparel and furnishing fabrics but is...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Colourfastness to burnt...
This method assesses the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms, except loose fibre, when exposed to atmospheric oxides of nitrogen as derived from the combustion of gases such as natural gas...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Textile fabrics — Determination...
This method determines the ability of a fabric to recover from creasing such as might occur during normal wear. It does not necessarily reflect the resistance of a fabric to wrinkling. Attention is drawn to the fact that for...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Resistance of materials...
This method is intended for use in determining the resistance of textile materials to water vapour diffusion. Three options are available for testing, allowing for the resistance to water vapour diffusion of a textile...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Loss in strength and colour...
This method determines loss in strength and yellowing of woven or knitted fabrics due to chlorine retained in laundering operations involving the use of chlorine bleach and followed by pressing. It may be used on any fabric...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Unidirectional extension...
This method determines the immediate stretch and recovery characteristics of elastic fabrics. Fabrics can be tested in full width or in the form of strips cut from the sample. Characteristics dependent upon time and upon...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Textiles — Tests for colourfastness...
This part of ISO specifies a method for deter mining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to ironing and to processing on hot cylinders. Tests are given for hot pressing when the tex tile...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Textiles — Woven fabrics...
This part of ISO 7211 specifies a method for the determination of crimp of yarn in fabric. The method is applicable to most woven fabrics but is unsuitable for fabrics manufactured in such a way as to render removal of the...
Notice of Intent
Textile test methods — Textiles — Tests for colourfastness...
This part of ISO 105 is designed as a reference document to support the proper measurement of the colour of specimens by instrumental means as required in many parts of ISO 105. The document describes general concepts and...