Refine Results
Displaying 577 - 588 of 8684
Notice of Intent
Performance standard for rating packaged water...
1.1 This Standard applies to factory-designed and prefabricated vapour-compression chillers that include one or more hermetic or external drive compressors. 1.2 The compressor types covered under this Standard include (a)...
Notice of Intent
Customer service standard for people with disabilities
1.1 Objectives This Standard is for use by organizations that intend to provide people with disabilities with customer service that is equivalent to the quality of service provided to the population at large. The objectives...
Notice of Intent
Standard for the Servicing of Commercial Cooking...
Note: The title, scope, and project need for this NOI was updated by the responsible SDO on May 26, 2021 (originally published July 28, 2020) 1 Scope 1.1 These requirements apply to companies involved in the installing...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for Service, Communication...
This document establishes the safety requirements for Service, Communication, Information, Education and Entertainment (SCIEE) robots. These requirements supplement the safety requirements for the intended, non-robotic...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Lining Systems for Existing Masonry...
1.1 This Standard covers lining systems for existing masonry chimneys , which may or may not incorporate a liner of fire-clay tile, and existing factory built chimneys and vents.
Notice of Intent
Standard for Heat Actuated Fire Detectors for...
1.1 These requirements cover heat actuated fire detectors in ordinary (nonhazardous) and outdoor locations, for use as components in automatic fire protective systems, to be installed in accordance with the Standard for the...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Compounds and Tapes for Threaded...
1.1 This Standard sets forth minimum requirements for the determination of the acceptability of pipe joint compounds and tapes for piping systems intended for the containment of alcohol , alcohol fuel blends, natural gas and...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Information and Communication Technology...
1.1 This Standard covers the power handling capabilities of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) cable assemblies when used for powering or charging Audio/Video, Information, and Communication Technology Equipment...
Notice of Intent
1.1 This Standard describes the requirements for the design and installation of a fire alarm system with or without voice communication capability. NOTE 1: This Standard is intended to apply to both required and voluntary...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Oil-Water Separators
1 SCOPE 1.1 This Standard provides minimum requirements for shop fabricated single-wall or double-wall oil-water separators intended to collect and separate free oil from water by gravity separation at an inlet free oil...
Notice of Intent
Office ergonomics - An application standard for...
This Standard specifies requirements for the Application of Ergonomics in offices. It applies to all office users in office workspaces in new and existing buildings, and includes some requirements for nontraditional...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Synthetic Percolating Forestry Hose
This Standard applies to 25 and 38 mm synthetic percolating type hoses having a minimum service test pressure of 2070 kPa suitable for use in forest fire suppression. These hoses are classified as follows: Class A: woven...