Refine Results
Displaying 10537 - 10548 of 11298
Notice of Intent
CAN/ASC-2.8: Accessible Ready Housing
The purpose of standard CAN/ASC-2.8 is to ensure the technical requirements for accessible ready housing are equity-based. This requires going beyond minimum technical specifications. Accessible ready housing is a way to...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Open Distributed Processing...
The rapid growth of distributed processing has lead to a need for a coordinating framework for the standardization of Open Distributed Processing (ODP). This Reference Model of ODP provides such a framework. It creates an...
Notice of Intent
Hose Nozzle Valves for Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel...
1.1 These requirements cover hose nozzle valves that are intended to be used for the control of motor fuels as indicated in 1.2. They are of the type used in motor fuel dispensing equipment. Hose nozzle valves covered by this...
Notice of Intent
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, ...
Replacement: This part of IEC 61558 deals with safety aspects of separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers such as electrical, thermal and mechanical safety. This Part 2-1 is applicable...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-10: Particular...
Clause 1 of the general standard1) applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 * Scope Replacement: This International Standard specifies the requirements for the safety of nerve and muscle STIMULATORS, defined in subclause 201.3.204...
Notice of Intent
Refrigeration equipment
1.1 This Standard applies to self-contained and remote refrigeration equipment, designed to be installed and used in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, for use in non-hazardous locations indoors or outdoors...
Notice of Intent
Three-Phase Live-Front Pad-Mounted Distribution...
1.1 This Standard specifies requirements for three-phase live-front pad-mounted distribution transformer units that (a) consist of a transformer and a separable or integral cable entrance compartment (b) are rated 75 to 3000...
Notice of Intent
Household and similar electrical appliances - ...
Note: The standard development activity for this NOI (originally published on September 12, 2023) was updated by the responsible SDO on September 19, 2023. This clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following: This...
Notice of Intent
Canadian medical device reprocessing in all health...
1.1 Standard addresses This Standard is intended to address the safe, effective, and reliable reprocessing of reusable medical devices at each phase of the reprocessing workflow, including a) establishing a QMS for the MDRA...
Notice of Intent
Systems and software engineering — Requirements...
This document supports the interest of software users in receiving consistent, complete, accurate, and usable documentation and specifies processes for use in testing and reviewing of user documentation (Clause 6). It is not...
Notice of Intent
Automatic electrical controls for household and...
This clause of Part 1 is replaced as follows: 1.1 This part of IEC 60730 applies to automatic electrical air flow, water flow and water level sensing controls for use in, or in association with, boilers with a maximum...
Notice of Intent
Packaged solar domestic hot water systems (liquid...
F379.1-09 - Packaged solar domestic hot water systems (liquid-to-liquid heat transfer) for all-season use Scope 1.1 This Standard applies to the performance, durability, and safety of packaged solar domestic hot water (SDHW)...