ISO/TR 24514:2018

Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Examples of the use of performance indicators using ISO 24510, ISO 24511 and ISO 24512 and related methodologies
This document provides several examples of varying complexity which illustrate the use and intent of the performance assessment methodology set out in ISO 24510, ISO 24511 and ISO 24512. The document also provides examples of the parallel and similar practices for measuring performance or establishing benchmarks as found in various institutional circumstances. These examples represent practices in a range of utilities (e.g. small, medium and large water utilities; water utilities from developed and developing countries; water utilities in both the public and private sectors; government and non-governmental agencies; and utilities with and without certified management systems). They are drawn from many geographical locations.
ICS Codes:
03.080.30; 13.060.20; 13.060.30
Publish date:
Standard Number:
ISO/TR 24514:2018