ISO 16735:2006

Fire safety engineering — Requirements governing algebraic equations — Smoke layers
The requirements given in ISO 16735:2006 govern the application of algebraic equation sets to the calculation of specific characteristics of smoke layers generated by fires. ISO 16735:2006 is an implementation of the general requirements provided in ISO/TR 13387-3 for the case of fire dynamics calculations involving sets of algebraic equations. ISO 16735:2006 is arranged in the form of a template, where specific information relevant to algebraic smoke layer equations is provided to satisfy the following types of general requirements: description of physical phenomena addressed by the calculation method;documentation of the calculation procedure and its scientific basis;limitations of the calculation method;input parameters for the calculation method;domain of applicability of the calculation method. Examples of sets of algebraic equations meeting all the requirements of ISO 16735:2006 are provided in separate annexes for each different type of smoke layer scenario. Annex A contains general information and conservation requirements for smoke layers and Annex B contains specific algebraic equations for calculation of smoke layer characteristics.
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ISO 16735:2006