CSA Z1009:22

Management of work at heights
1 Scope 1.1 General This Standard, following the principles set out in CSA Z45001, specifies requirements for a) establishing and maintaining a WAH management system in accordance with OHSMS principles; b) the roles and responsibilities of the organization, the supervisor, and the workers; c) management of contractors; d) establishing the parameters of types of work at heights; e) hazard identification and risk assessment related to work at heights; and f) management and control of hazards and risk relating to work at heights, including i) development of general safety procedures for work performed at heights; ii) personal protective equipment (PPE) used for work at heights; iii) health and safety monitoring systems for work at heights; iv) emergency rescue plan development and implementation; and v) training for work at heights. This Standard recognizes that a fall from any height can cause physical injury to a worker. While local regulations may stipulate minimum heights at which fall-protection systems are to be used (including the regulation of maximum free-fall distances and the prevention of falling into or onto hazardous substances, objects, or surfaces regardless of working height), notwithstanding the exclusions in Clause 1.2, this Standard applies to the management of all work at heights in the workplace. Note: This Standard does not indicate a specific height at which a WAH management system should be initiated. Users are encouraged to follow the program development requirements (Clause 6) and complete the procedures for hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. If after this procedure is complete, it is determined that actions are needed to reduce the likelihood of injury when the activities are below the minimum height specified in the local jurisdiction’s legislation, follow the hierarchy of controls (Clause or adopt WAH management system clauses in this Standard, as appropriate, based on the level of risk. Document the rationale and decisions. 1.2 Exclusions This Standard does not specifically address safety management of a) performing arts including, but not limited to, stunt work and aerial performances; and Note: The rigging of stage shows is covered under this Standard. b) individual recreational activities not performed in an employment context, such as mountain climbing and rock wall climbing. 1.3 Application This Standard is designed to be used with related procedural Standards, as well as health and safety management Standards. It is intended to be referenced by other Standards as the primary set of requirements for health and safety management of work at heights. Although this Standard takes into consideration provincial, territorial, and federal legislation, it is not constrained by these regulations. It is intended to be used in conjunction with all provincial, territorial, or federal jurisdictions, and is designed for use in workplaces in all regions of Canada. This Standard is designed for voluntary application in Canadian workplaces. However, the principles established in this Standard are based on best practices recognized internationally. As such, they may be applied to any workplace performing work at heights. 1.4 Terminology In this Standard, “shall” is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; “should” is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and “may” is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
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CSA Z1009:22