CAN/HSO 1001:2022

Purpose This standard specifies the accountabilities of health and social service organizations’ governing bodies, including the governing bodies’ committees, to establish effective governance practices and strong accountability mechanisms for their organizations. Good governance intends to ensure that the organization’s activities and decisions maximize value for its stakeholders, including its workforce, clients, families, and the community, and are aligned with the goals and objectives of the health system. The standard outlines governing bodies’ accountabilities to effectively oversee and steer the activities and decisions of the organization and hold the organization accountable for its delivery of safe, reliable, integrated, and people-centred care, in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations. In jurisdictions where government carries out one or more of the governance accountabilities, the governing body is required to work with government to inform and contribute to the fulfillment of the given governance accountability. Applicability This standard is intended to be used by governing bodies of public or private health and social service organizations across the continuum of care. The standard may be used by organizations with all types of governing bodies, including organizations where governance activities are carried out by boards of directors and/or supervisory boards; where senior leaders, organizational owners, and/or shareholders may be directly involved in governance activities; where governing body oversees multiple sites that may be located across different jurisdictions; and/or where governing bodies work with government in jurisdictions where government carries out one or more of the governance activities.
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CAN/HSO 1001:2022