CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 29361:18

Information technology — Web Services Interoperability — WS-I Basic Profile Version 1.1
1.1 Scope This International Standard defines the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 (hereafter, "Profile"), consisting of a set of non-proprietary Web services specifications, along with clarifications, refinements, interpretations and amplifications of those specifications which promote interoperability. Section 1 introduces the Profile, and explains its relationships to other profiles. Section 2, "Profile Conformance", explains what it means to be conformant to the Profile. Each subsequent section addresses a component of the Profile, and consists of two parts: an overview detailing the component specifications and their extensibility points, followed by subsections that address individual parts of the component specifications. Note that there is no relationship between the section numbers in this International Standard and those in the referenced specifications. 1.2 Relationships to Other Profiles This Profile is derived from the Basic Profile 1.0 by incorporating any errata to date and separating out those requirements related to the serialization of envelopes and their representation in messages. Such requirements are now part of the Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0, identified with a separate conformance claim. This separation is made to facilitate composability of Basic Profile 1.1 with any profile that specifies envelope serialization, including the Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 and the Attachments Profile 1.0. A combined claim of conformance to both the Basic Profile 1.1 and the Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 is roughly equivalent to a claim of conformance to the Basic Profile 1.0 plus published errata. This Profile, composed with the Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 supercedes the Basic Profile 1.0. The Attachments Profile 1.0 adds support for SOAP with Attachments, and is intended to be used in combination with this Profile. 1.3 Changes from Basic Profile Version 1.0 This specification is derived from the Basic Profile Version 1.0, and incorporates published errata against that specification. The most notable changes are: • MESSAGE conformance target - Some requirements that had a MESSAGE conformance target in BP1.0 now use a new target, ENVELOPE. This facilitates alternate serialisations of the message, such as that described in the Attachments Profile. • SOAP Binding - Requirements relating to the SOAP binding's serialization of the message have been moved to the Simple SOAP Binding Profile to facilitate other serializations. 1.4 Guiding Principles The Profile was developed according to a set of principles that, together, form the philosophy of the Profile, as it relates to bringing about interoperability. This section documents these guidelines. No guarantee of interoperability It is impossible to completely guarantee the interoperability of a particular service. However, the Profile does address the most common problems that implementation experience has revealed to date. Application semantics Although communication of application semantics can be facilitated by the technologies that comprise the Profile, assuring the common understanding of those semantics is not addressed by it. Testability When possible, the Profile makes statements that are testable. However, such testability is not required. Preferably, testing is achieved in a nonintrusive manner (e.g., examining artifacts "on the wire"). Strength of requirements The Profile makes strong requirements (e.g., MUST, MUST NOT) wherever feasible; if there are legitimate cases where such a requirement cannot be met, conditional requirements (e.g., SHOULD, SHOULD NOT) are used. Optional and conditional requirements introduce ambiguity and mismatches between implementations. Restriction vs. relaxation When amplifying the requirements of referenced specifications, the Profile may restrict them, but does not relax them (e.g., change a MUST to a MAY). Multiple mechanisms If a referenced specification allows multiple mechanisms to be used interchangeably, the Profile selects those that are well-understood, widely implemented and useful. Extraneous or underspecified mechanisms and extensions introduce complexity and therefore reduce interoperability. Future compatibility When possible, the Profile aligns its requirements with in-progress revisions to the specifications it references. This aids implementers by enabling a graceful transition, and assures that WS-I does not 'fork' from these efforts. When the Profile cannot address an issue in a specification it references, this information is communicated to the appropriate body to assure its consideration. Compatibility with deployed services Backwards compatibility with deployed Web services is not a goal for the Profile, but due consideration is given to it; the Profile does not introduce a change to the requirements of a referenced specification unless doing so addresses specific interoperability issues. Focus on interoperability Although there are potentially a number of inconsistencies and design flaws in the referenced specifications, the Profile only addresses those that affect interoperability. Conformance targets Where possible, the Profile places requirements on artifacts (e.g., WSDL descriptions, SOAP messages) rather than the producing or consuming software's behaviors or roles. Artifacts are concrete, making them easier to verify and therefore making conformance easier to understand and less error-prone. Lower-layer interoperability The Profile speaks to interoperability at the application layer; it assumes that interoperability of lower-layer protocols (e.g., TCP, IP, Ethernet) is adequate and well-understood. Similarly, statements about application-layer substrate protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS, HTTP) are only made when there is an issue affecting Web services specifically; WS-I does not attempt to assure the interoperability of these protocols as a whole. This assures that WS-I's expertise in and focus on Web services standards is used effectively. 1.5 Notational Conventions The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119. Normative statements of requirements in the Profile (i.e., those impacting conformance, as outlined in "Conformance Requirements") are presented in the following manner: RnnnnStatement text here. where "nnnn" is replaced by a number that is unique among the requirements in the Profile , thereby forming a unique requirement identifier. Requirement identifiers can be considered to be namespace qualified, in such a way as to be compatible with QNames from Namespaces in XML. If there is no explicit namespace prefix on a requirement's identifier (e.g., "R9999" as opposed to "bp10:R9999"), it should be interpreted as being in the namespace identified by the conformance URI of the document section it occurs in. If it is qualified, the prefix should be interpreted according to the namespace mappings in effect, as documented below. Some requirements clarify the referenced specification(s), but do not place additional constraints upon implementations. For convenience, clarifications are annotated in the following manner: C Some requirements are derived from ongoing standardization work on the referenced specification(s). For convenience, such forward-derived statements are annotated in the following manner: xxxx, where "xxxx" is an identifier for the specification (e.g., "WSDL20" for WSDL Version 2.0). Note that because such work was not complete when this document was published, the specification that the requirement is derived from may change; this information is included only as a convenience to implementers. Extensibility points in underlying specifications (see "Conformance Scope") are presented in a similar manner: EnnnnExtensibility Point Name - Description where "nnnn" is replaced by a number that is unique among the extensibility points in the Profile. As with requirement statements, extensibility statements can be considered namespace-qualified. This specification uses a number of namespace prefixes throughout; their associated URIs are listed below. Note that the choice of any namespace prefix is arbitrary and not semantically significant. • soap - "" • xsi - "" • xsd - "" • soapenc - "" • wsdl - "" • soapbind - "" • uddi - "urn:uddi-org:api_v2" 1.6 Profile Identification and Versioning This document is identified by a name (in this case, Basic Profile) and a version number (here, 1.1). Together, they identify a particular profile instance. Version numbers are composed of a major and minor portion, in the form "major.minor". They can be used to determine the precedence of a profile instance; a higher version number (considering both the major and minor components) indicates that an instance is more recent, and therefore supersedes earlier instances. Instances of profiles with the same name (e.g., "Example Profile 1.1" and "Example Profile 5.0") address interoperability problems in the same general scope (although some developments may require the exact scope of a profile to change between instances). One can also use this information to determine whether two instances of a profile are backwards-compatible; that is, whether one can assume that conformance to an earlier profile instance implies conformance to a later one. Profile instances with the same name and major version number (e.g., "Example Profile 1.0" and "Example Profile 1.1") MAY be considered compatible. Note that this does not imply anything about compatibility in the other direction; that is, one cannot assume that conformance with a later profile instance implies conformance to an earlier one.
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CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 29361:18