CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 29136:14

Information technology — User interfaces — Accessibility of personal computer hardware
Scope This International Standard provides requirements and recommendations for the accessibility of personal computer hardware, to be used when planning, developing, designing and distributing these computers. Some requirements or recommendations in this International Standard require software support. While this International Standard does not cover the behaviour of, or requirements for, assistive technologies, it does address connectivity of assistive technologies as an integrated component of interactive systems. Requirements and recommendations that solely focus on software are not included in this International Standard. NOTE 1 Requirements and recommendations for software accessibility are specified in ISO 9241-171. NOTE 2 High level requirements and recommendations for information and communication technology (ICT) accessibility are specified in ISO 9241-20. NOTE 3 Requirements and recommendations for office equipment accessibility, including printers, scanners and copiers, are specified in ISO/IEC 10779[2].
ICS Codes:
11.180.99; 35.240.20
Publish date:
Standard Number:
CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 29136:14