CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803 (R2018)

Psychological health and safety in the workplace —Prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation
1 Scope 1.1 Purpose This Standard specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace, and provides complimentary information in Annexes A to G. This Standard provides a framework to create and continually improve a psychologically healthy and safe workplace, including a) the identification and elimination of hazards in the workplace that pose a risk of psychological harm to a worker; b) the assessment and control of the risks in the workplace associated with hazards that cannot be eliminated; Note: For example, stressors due to organizational change or reasonable job demands. c) implementing structures and practices that support and promote psychological health and safety in the workplace; and d) fostering a culture that promotes psychological health and safety in the workplace. 1.2 Applicability This Standard is applicable to any organization. Note: The application of psychological health assessment measures of workers or adherence of workers to program activities is voluntary unless it is legally or contractually required. 1.3 Guiding principles This Standard is based on the following guiding principles: a) legal requirements associated with psychologically healthy and safe workplaces applicable to the organization will be identified and complied with as a minimum standard of practice; b) psychological health and safety is a shared responsibility among all workplace stakeholders and commensurate with the authority of the stakeholder; c) the workplace is based on mutually respectful relationships among the organization, its management, its workers, and worker representatives, which includes maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information; d) individuals have a responsibility towards their own health and behaviour; e) a demonstrated and visible commitment by senior management for the development and sustainability of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace; f) active participation with all workplace stakeholders; g) organizational decision making incorporates psychological health and safety in the processes; and h) a primary focus on psychological health, safety, awareness, and promotion as well as the development of knowledge and skills for those persons managing work arrangements, organization, processes, and/or people. Activities associated with this Standard, specifically related to planning, data collection, and evaluation requirements, are to be conducted in a psychologically safe, confidential, and ethical manner.
ICS Codes:
03.100; 03.100.01; 13.100
Publish date:
Standard Number:
CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803 (R2018)