BNQ 2622-951/2012

Reinforced Concrete and Unreinforced Concrete Pipes and Monolithic Lateral Connections, andPrecast Reinforced Concrete Sewer Manholes, Catch Basins, Gate Houses and Pumping Stations –Certification Protocol
1 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is intended to establish the certification requirements, rules of procedure and marking requirements applying to the certification of reinforced concrete and unreinforced concrete pipes and monolithic lateral connections according to the requirements of Standard BNQ 2622-126 and of precast reinforced concrete sewer manholes, catch basins, gate houses and pumping stations according to the requirements of Standard BNQ 2622-420. This document is for manufacturers seeking to have the conformity of their products recognized by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ). NOTE — This document is also intended for work providers wishing to use the BNQ certification programs covered in this protocol.
ICS Codes:
03.120.20; 23.040.50; 23.040.99; 91.100.30
Certification document
Publish date:
Standard Number:
BNQ 2622-951/2012