CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC TR 26905:07 (R2017)

Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Enterprise Communication in Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) Involving Public Next Generation Networks (NGN)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 26905:2006. 1 Scope This Technical Report identifies key use cases for communication with or between IP-based Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) involving public next generation networks (NGN), analyses these use cases in terms of available or planned standardized technology, and identifies requirements that will have to be met. This Technical Report investigates configurations involving NGCNs and NGNs and their interoperating requirements. Non-IP-based interoperation, i.e. using circuit-switched technology, between NGCNs and NGNs is outside the scope of this Technical Report. This Technical Report does not discriminate between wireless and wired access technology. The Terminal Equipment (TE) interface within an NGCN is outside the scope of this Technical Report. All mobility aspects are outside the scope of this Technical Report. They are covered by a companion Technical Report, ISO/IEC TR 26927. Application considerations such as IP Centrex and CSTA (Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications) are outside the scope of this Technical Report.
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CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC TR 26905:07 (R2017)