CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-2-44:03 (R2007)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard IEC 60601-2-44:2001 (second edition, 2001-06).
1 Scope and object
This clause of the General Standard applies except as follows:
1.1 Scope
This Particular Standard applies to X-RAY EQUIPMENT for COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT SCANNERS).
It includes safety requirements for the X-RAY GENERATOR, and those where HIGH VOLTAGE GENERATORS are integrated with an X-RAY TUBE ASSEMBLY.
1.2 Object
The object of this standard is to establish particular requirements to ensure safety, and to specify methods for demonstrating compliance with those requirements, for CT SCANNERS.
NOTE - 1 Requirements for reproducibility, linearity, constancy and accuracy are given because of their relationship to the quality and quantity of the IONIZING RADIATION produced and are confined to those considered necessary for safety.
NOTE - 2 Both the levels for compliance and the tests prescribed to determine compliance reflect the fact that the
safety of HIGH-VOLTAGE GENERATORS is not sensitive to small differences in levels of performance. The combinations
of LOADING FACTORS specified for the tests are therefore limited in number but chosen from experience as being
appropriate in most cases. It is considered important to standardize the choice of combinations of LOADING FACTORS
so that comparison can be made between tests performed in different places on different occasions. However,
combinations other than those specified could be of equal technical validity.
NOTE 3 - The safety philosophy on which this standard is based is described in the introduction to the General
Standard and in IEC 60513.
NOTE 4 - Concerning RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION it has been assumed in the preparation of this standard that
MANUFACTURERS and USERS do accept the general principles of the ICRP as stated in ICRP 60, 1990, paragraph 112,1) namely:
"(a) No practice involving exposures to radiation should be adopted unless it produces sufficient benefit to the
exposed individuals or to society to offset the radiation detriment it causes. (The justification of a practice.)
(b) In relation to any particular source within a practice, the magnitude of individual doses, the number of people
exposed, and the likelihood of incurring exposures where these are not certain to be received should all be kept as
low as reasonably achievable, economic and social factors being taken into account. This procedure should be
constrained by restrictions on the doses to individuals (dose constraints), or the risks to individuals in the case of potential exposures (risk constraints), so as to limit the inequity likely to result from the inherent economic and
social judgements. (The optimisation of protection.)
1) ICRP Publication 60: Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (Annals of the ICRP Vol. 21 No 1-3, 1990). Published by Pergamon Press
(c) The exposure of individuals resulting from the combination of all the relevant practices should be subject to dose limits, or to some control of risk in the case of potential exposures. These are aimed at ensuring that no
individual is exposed to radiation risks that are judged to be unacceptable from these practices in any normal
circumstances. Not all sources are susceptible of control by action at the source and it is necessary to specify the
sources to be included as relevant before selecting a dose limit. (Individual dose and risk limits.)"
NOTE 5 - Most of the requirements on X-RAY EQUIPMENT and its sub-assemblies for protection against IONIZING
RADIATION are given in the Collateral Standard IEC 60601-1-3.
This standard does, however, deal with some aspects of RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, mainly those that depend upon
the supply, control and indication of electrical energy from the HIGH-VOLTAGE GENERATOR.
NOTE 6 - It is recognized that many of the judgements necessary to follow the ICRP general principles have to be
made by the USER and not by the MANUFACTURER of the EQUIPMENT.
ICS Codes:
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CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-2-44:03 (R2007)