9902-500 (1993)

Accreditation System for Laboratories and Inspection Organizations - Operating Guide
1 PURPOSe This document defines the operating procedure system by the BNQ for the accreditation of laboratories and inspection organizations. Accreditation in specific testing and services sectors for which an application has been submitted is subject to conformity with the requirements detailed in this document, as well as to the requirements in document NQ 9902-520, and to any additional conditions related to specific programs, such as sampling, covered by the requirements of document NQ 9902-530, the audit of a manufacturer's quality system, covered by document NQ 9902-540 or any other requirement which may be necessary to meet the needs of users. Laboratories or inspection organizations applying for accreditation, or those already accredited, shall pay any internal costs associated with all BNq accreditation activities, as well as the costs incurred, based on the current rate of accreditation.
ICS Codes:
03.120.20; 19.020
Publish date:
Standard Number:
9902-500 (1993)