CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC-10021-2-94 (R2004)

Information technology - Text Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Part 2: Overall Architecture
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada on this basis. This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 10021-2:1990. 1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 10021 defines the overall architecture of the MHS and serves as a technical introduction to it. Other aspects of Message Handling are specified in other parts of ISO/IEc 10021. A non-technical overview of Message Handling is provided by ISO/IEc 10021-1. The conventions used in the definition of the abstract services provided by MHS components are defined in ISO/IEC 10021-3. The abstract service the MTS provides and the procedures that govern its distributed operation are defined in ISO/IEC 10021-4. The abstract service the MS provides is defined in ISO/IEC 10021-5. The application protocols that govern the interactions of MHS components are specified in ISO/IEC 10021-6. The Interpersonal Messaging System, an application of Message Handling, is defined in ISO/IEC 10021-7. The ISO International Standards and CCITT Recommendations on Message Handling are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Specifications for Message Handling Systems ISO/IEC CCITT SUBJECT MATTEr Introduction 10021-1 X.400 Service and system overview 10021-2 X.402 Overall architecture Various Aspects X.403 Conformance testing 10021-3 X.407 Abstract service definition conventions X.408 Encoded information type conversion rules Abstract Services 10021-4 X.411 MTS Abstract Service definition and procedures for distributed operation 10021-5 X.413 MS Abstract Service definition Protocols 10021-6 X.419 Protocol specifications Interpersonal Messaging System 10021-7 X.420 Interpersonal Messaging System T.330 Telematic access to IPMs The Directory, the principal means for disseminating communication-related information among MHS components, is defined in ISO/IEC 9594, as summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Specifications for Directories ISO/IEC CCITT SUBJECT MATTEr 9594-1 X.500 Overview 9594-2 X.501 Models 9594-3 X.511 Abstract service definition 9594-4 X.518 Procedures for distributed operation 9594-5 X.519 Protocol specifications 9594-6 X.520 Selected attribute types 9594-7 X.521 Selected object classes 9594-8 X.509 Authentication framework The architectural foundation for Message Handling is provided by other International Standards. The OSI Reference Model is defined in ISO 7498. The notation for specifying the data structures of abstract services and application protocols, ASN.1, and the associated encoding rules are defined in ISO 8824 and 8825. The means for establishing and releasing associations, the ACSE, is defined in ISO 8649 and 8650. The means for reliably conveying APDUs over associations, the RTSE, is defined in ISO/IEC 9066. The means for making requests of other open systems, the ROSE, is defined in ISO/IEC 9072. The ISO International Standards and CCITT Recommendations which form the foundation for Message Handling are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Specifications for MHS Foundations ISO CCITT SUBJECT MATTEr Model 7498 X.200 OSI Reference Model ASN.1 8824 X.208 Abstract syntax notation 8825 X.209 Basic encoding rules Association Control 8649 X.217 Service definition 8650
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CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC-10021-2-94 (R2004)