
Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel
1. Scope 1.1 This standard establishes a system for the qualification and certification, by a central independent body, of three levels of personnel to perform industrial nondestructive testing (NDT) using any of the following methods: Eddy current testing Liquid penetrant testing Magnetic particle testing Radiographic testing Ultrasonic testing. The system described in this standard may also apply to visual inspection (VT), leak testing (LT), neutron radiography (NT), acoustic emission (AT) and other NDT methods where national certification programs exist. 1.2 The system described in this standard provides two options for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel: Option A, which is described in the main body of this standard and in Appendix A, is largely harmonized with the ISO 9712:1992 standard but still retains a few of the features found in past Canadian standards and still desired by Canadian industry. Option B, described additional requirements that individuals must meet to gain certification to a standard fully harmonized with ISo 9712:1992. These additional requirements have been identified by underlined sentences (in the main body of this standard and in Appendix A). 1.3 Certification according to this standard provides recognition of the qualifications and competence of the three levels of personnel. In superseding CGSB standards 48-GP-4M, 48-GP-8M, 48-GP-9M, 48-GP-13m and CAN/CGSB-48.7, this standard does not cancel the certification of personnel, which would otherwise remain in effect. The certification of such personnel should be reclassified in accordance with Appendix G. 1.4 This certification procedure does not necessarily cover NDT procedures and techniques required for specialized products not commonly involved in a particular industrial sector. Industrial sectors making use of this standard should determine that personnel performing NDT procedures and techniques required for specialized products are further trained and qualified to meet necessary additional product-specific requirements, such as those outlined in Appendix F, before they perform industrial nondestructive testing on such specialized products. 1.5 In each of the NDT methods shown in Table 1, examinations and certification are available in the engineering materials and components sector. In radiography, however, examinations and certification are also available in the aerospace sector. Depending on industrial needs, other sectors may be added to each of the NDT methods. 1.6 The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use.
ICS Codes:
19.100; 03.100.30
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