9902-001 (1993)

Recognition of Conformity with Standards - Rules and Procedures
This document is intended to be used by firms wishing to obtain the BNQ recognition of conformity of their products with the relevant standards. Recognition of conformity is available in three forms, namely certification of conformity, approval of components and attestation of cnformity, to a manufacturer who wishes to market a product which conforms to a relevant standard or to a part of a standard*, and who is able to demonstrate that he consistently manufactures that product to this standard. Recognition of conformity constitutes a privilege granted to the manufacturer; it may be withdrawn or suspended at any time if the BNQ deems that the original requirements are no longer met. Generally speaking, recognition of conformity programs are offered by the BNQ, and are governed by the following criteria: - existence of a genuine need; - availability of acceptable technical data which may be applied to the product, the plant or the service involved for the purpose of certification; - potential funding and the pogram's continued existence; - legislative support or proof of the significant and constant support for the program from the industry and the consumers. The procedures described in this document are developed as per the specifications of document CAN-P-3E, Criteria and Procedures for Accreditation of Certification Organizations issued by the Standards Council of Canada. * In the case of component approval.
ICS Codes:
03.120.10; 03.120.20; 19.020
Publish date:
Standard Number:
9902-001 (1993)