
Guideline on Environmental Labelling
1.1 General This Guideline (a) establishes general guidelines regarding environmental claims in product and package labelling; (b) defines, and gives rules for the use of, specific environmental terms and symbols used in product labelling; and (c) provides, for certain terms and symbols, guidance concerning methods to verify the accuracy of claims made. 1.2 Objectives The broad objective of this Guideline is to contribute to a reduction in the environmental burdens and impacts associated with the consumption of goods. The operational goal is to bring uniformity and understanding to the use of environmental claims. The anticipated benefits will be (a) truthful, nondeceptive environmental labelling; (b) prevention or minimization of unscrupulous claims; (c) a reduction in marketplace confusion; (d) increased potential for market forces to stimulate environmentally improved products; and (e) a reduction of restrictions and barriers to international trade. 1.3 Applicability 1.3.1 This Guideline applies to environmental claims on product labels. It does not apply to advertising claims in general. 1.3.2 This Guideline only addresses claims on direct environmental relevance, and does not address claims related to human health (including occupational health), food and agriculture, or ethical issues. 1.3.3 This Guideline is not to be interpreted as conflicting with or affecting applicable laws or regulations governing product labelling.
ICS Codes:
03.100.50; 19.040; 55.020
Publish date:
Standard Number: