CAN/CSA-S269.3-M92 (R2013)

Concrete Formwork
1.1 Provides rules and requirements for the design, fabrication, erection, and use of concrete formwork which provide temporary lateral support or containment of freshly placed concrete for buildings and other structures during their construction, alteration or repair. It is structured and organized so that it may be used with either working stress or limit states design standards and concepts. Supplementary rules or requirements may be necessary for unusual types of formwork which (a) are exposed to unusual environments or features; (b) employ materials or procedures not covered in this Standard; or (c) are intended to be used many times for precasting applications. 1.2 This Standard does not apply to (a) falsework (including deck formwork);* (b) scaffolds; (c) design of concrete structures; and (d) chimney jump forms.** * For design of falsework see CSA Standard S269.1. **For design of chimney jump forms see ACI Standard 307. 1.3 Support of formwork is covered in CSA Standard S269.1 and is not intended to be addressed in this Standard. Previously placed concrete should not be overloaded. Where previously placed concrete is used to support formwork, reshoring should be provided in accordance with Clause 7.2.11 of CSA Standard S269.1.
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CAN/CSA-S269.3-M92 (R2013)