
Petroleum Products - Fuels (Class F) - Specifications of Marine Fuels
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8217:1987. 1.1 This International Standard specifies the requirements for petroleum fuels for marine use in diesel engines and boilers, for the guidance of interested parties such as marine equipment designers, and suppliers and purchasers of marine fuels. Requirements for gas turbine fuels used in marine applications are specified in ISO 4261. This International Standard sets out the required properties of the fuels at the time and place of custody transfer. 1.2 This International Standard describes four categories of distillate fuel, one for diesel engines for emergency purposes, and the other three for general purposes. There are also ten categories of fuel containing residual components for which a density limit is specified. Five categories of fuel are specified without a density limit. 1.3 This International Standard takes account of the international requirements for flash point as given by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, Amendment 1, Chapter II - 2, Regulation 15. 1.4 The categories of fuels in this International Standard have been classified in accordance with ISO 8216-1. 1.5 This International Standard does not imply the availability of all the categories of fuel at all ports. 1.6 Annexes A and B are included for information and do not form a mandatory part of this International Standard.
ICS Codes:
47.040; 75.160.20
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